the hand and the heart

For my first-ever counselling course, I had a starter task: to use sensory dough to create a physical representation of myself as a vessel in my work.

No other explanation to go with the task, just that. Questions I chose to ask of myself included what would it look like, what shape, what is its capacity to hold ‘stuff’, what might it say about me as a therapist in training? I chose the first vessel we ever used as a species, not a cup or vase, but the hand. The hand is open in invitation – to shake on it, to reach agreement, to touch with care. It works as a real, physical aid to communication and as a metaphor for reaching out, holding confidences.

There is a heart in the hand. The heart is always there, directing empathy and presenting honestly and authentically. By revealing the heart, we show our vulnerability, bravery and leadership to inspire others to open up. What it says about my approach as a therapist is that I am willing to be candid, honest and open, because a therapist cannot assume trust will be given by clients, but must go some distance to earn it and forge psychological contact with them.

I found the exercise interesting and revealing. It was fun and satisfying to work with the dough. It had a nice colour and smell. It got warmer as I worked with it. The hand isn’t perfect. It has its flaws. We all do. But imperfections, if we even want to call them that, are what make us unique along with our life experiences.

The hand together with the heart can hold a great deal. I am committed to helping people and that takes heart. It is never easy, but I am always up for the challenges. I love my work.

xph therapy offers integrative counselling, which means working with multiple therapy types, including CBT, psychotherapeutic and person-centred to develop a therapeutic pathway just for you, whatever outcome you’re hoping to achieve. Get in touch in a variety of ways. See the contact page for more info.

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