how long is a therapy session?

Video and phone counselling sessions are usually 60 minutes long and can be booked for evenings and weekends. They can be adjusted to take account of any health and disability needs. You can discuss any adjustments, including length of appointments and sensory sensitivities.

what’s the cost?

Xander takes into account people’s financial status in determining reasonable pricing for their work and clients’ living costs, and does all they can to enable the low-waged and those on benefits to access counselling either through themself or by referral to counselling organisations.

‘Affordable’ means different things to different people, which is why the phrase ‘affordable counselling’ is not one Xander uses. Please, don’t be put off thinking you can’t afford before you know anything. Instead, consider getting in touch and having a confidential conversation about this aspect.

Enquiries cost nothing (as you’d expect). Your initial assessment is free, can be conducted over the phone and takes about 20-30 minutes.

what’s involved in video and phone counselling?

One-to-one video counselling uses Microsoft Teams software. An invite link is sent to you each week on your chosen day ahead of the agreed time for your session. It is available for Mac, Windows PCs, smartphones and tablets. It is free to download. You can get it here.

For telephone sessions, Xander calls you on the agreed day and at the same time each week. Xander may use text messaging to send you appointment reminders or to rearrange sessions due to illness, weather, or life events. There is never any charge for these.

is there confidentiality?

Absolutely! Sessions are not recorded. What you say in them is confidential. There are limits to confidentiality, though: if you reveal you have committed or plan to commit a serious crime, or you reveal an intention to harm yourself or someone else.

sunflowers painted by xander
does anything ever get discussed with anyone else?

Client cases are discussed by Xander with their independent supervisor, to ensure ethical practice is maintained. Supervision is a requirement of the profession to ensure clients are always getting the best service. Your anonymity is guaranteed in those supervision sessions and they, too, are confidential. No information is ever given that could lead to clients being identified. Xander’s supervisor works to the same ethical framework as they do, with the same commitment to confidentiality.

is confidentiality like privacy?

No. While Xander maintains your confidentiality, you are responsible for your own privacy on video and voice calls. Please make sure you will not be disturbed or overheard during your video or phone sessions. If it becomes obvious someone else is present with you, or you are interrupted – children, partners, housemates, a delivery at the front door – Xander will stop and wait until you say it is okay to continue. Pets are another consideration. If they do not distract you or your counsellor, and are a comfort, that’s more than okay. If they are distracting or demanding of attention, please put them outside the room until your session is over.

what are ‘referrals’?

Xander may offer to contact third parties such as your GP and support services on your behalf. This is by phone, letter or email. Your consent would be asked for any such referrals. Without your consent, no action would be taken. This is separate to Xander’s obligations under law and within the limits of confidentiality outlined above.

what is ‘signposting’?

Xander may recommend other services to you, such as social groups or helplines. This is called signposting. These suggestions are not endorsements and Xander bears no responsibility for the quality or outcomes of what these services may provide. You are never obliged to contact anyone else or use any other service.

is there a contract?

Yes. During your initial assessment you will go through a helping contract between yourself and your counsellor. This will include your responsibilities as well as Xander’s. It will specify the length and cost of each session, the time and day of your sessions, how many sessions you have been offered, and other useful information. It will outline what to do if you know in advance you cannot attend an appointment, and policy on not attending without notifying Xander beforehand.

The contract will be adapted to your needs and circumstances. It will be emailed to you. Please print and sign or digitally sign it and send it back. You can request a review of the contract at any time. If you’ve any questions not covered on this page, please get in touch.

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